Early June still brings us bold and colourful blooms from large flowering Rhododendrons around the garden, in particular look out for old specimens which line the play area with their purples and pinks. Gradually these spectacular displays become fewer in number as petals fall, creating beautiful carpets drawing your eyes to the ground. The delicate display of candelabra primula continues to decorate borders around the garden with tall stems containing flowers in pinks and yellows.
It’s a great month to enjoy some interesting trees and shrubs. Cornus Kousa, is an old specimen which was planted in 1934 and now stands over 30ft tall putting on an incredible show of delicate white flowers later in June.
Another plant of note is the Cytisus battandieri, also known as Pineapple broom, located near the giants table, the bright yellow clusters of flowers give off a potent fruity scent, reminiscent of pineapples.
Finally, don’t miss the interesting blooms from our tulip tree, Liriodendron, on the right as you walk up from the lake, the lower branches offer a great chance to take a closer look at these interesting flowers.
Elsewhere the impressive leaves of gunnera mantica (giant rhubarb) add a lush green colour to garden vista’s, whilst orchids can be found in some of our woodland glade areas and in our wildflower meadow.
Before you leave, be sure to take a look at the cottage garden which is just beginning hint at the summer display to come. Enjoy poppies, allium, ox-eye daisies and bearded iris amongst other delights.
Our Artists Fairy Door trail has arrived a Furzey Gardens this month and runs through to September. There are 25 doors to find in the garden, each decorated by talented local artists. Pick up a trail map for £2 at the entrance see how many you can find.
So treat yourself to a visit and take a moment to relax, enjoy our beautiful woodland garden in the New Forest. Our gardens and tea rooms are open seven days a week.
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