Estates Manager guided walks

When: 17 Apr 2024 - 16 Oct 2024

8.30am – 10am, Non-member £15 | Member £8

Join our Estates Manager Andrew for one of our early morning monthly guided tours of the gardens. See the month’s horticultural highlights from around the gardens, learn about the history of the gardens and the plants within, as well as hearing the background to the work we do to support people with learning disabilities in the gardens and the wider community.

The walk takes around 90 minutes and will access all areas of the gardens.


17th Jul 2024, 08:30 am

21st Aug 2024, 08:30 am

18th Sep 2024, 08:30 am

16th Oct 2024, 08:30 am

Ticket Prices:

Non-member: £15

Member: £8

Book tickets now

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