Christmas cheer in Minstead


This festive season, people supported by Minstead Trust have put up and decorated a magnificent Christmas tree in the heart of the village.

Each year a group from Minstead Trust head to Woodlands to collect the Christmas tree that will adorn the Minstead village square throughout December.

This year they joined forces with Jack Smith from Minstead Parish Council to decorate the tree and to bring a touch of holiday spirit to the village.

This collaborative effort provides a meaningful opportunity for individuals with learning disabilities to actively participate in community activities.

The team collecting and putting up the tree

David, who is supported by Minstead Trust said he enjoyed, ‘Decorating the tree.’

Connor Brown, Senior Day Opportunities Instructor at Minstead Trust, said:

‘I feel truly humbled to be able to be part of such a fun and festive event steeped in community history.

‘It brings me such joy to see the collaboration between our assembled teams of people and the Parish Council members; working together to select, erect, and decorate the Christmas tree.

The 10ft blue spruce tree is sat in its usual spot, pride of place on the village green, where you can stop by the Trusty Servant pub for a mulled wine!’

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